Now lets see main stream media reporting on that.

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I wish

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May 28Liked by Sheri Oz

What exactly did Prime Minister Netanyahu say? I have read “mistake” but I’ve also heard “accident.” Either way, if secondary explosions are to blame for the fire, all he is copping to is that had they known the result ahead of time, they might have aborted the attack altogether or gone about it differently.

Under the Laws of Armed Conflict that is an important distinction because it’s the real time information that counts, not an after-the-fact evaluation of the results. I also get that this distinction is lost on our narrative-driven media.

If the IDF has drone images that show the strike, the secondary explosion and the fire at some distance away, it would be well advised to release it now.

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Even if Hamas put a press release out stating they put the ammunition out just for the purpose of causing maximum civilian casualties for propaganda reasons, MSM would still attack Israel.

My opinion is they should just go after Hamas regardless of civilian losses.

Civilians voted them in, they made their bed, now they can lie in it.

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I agree that the IDF should just go after Hamas -- not regardless of civilian losses but regardless of international outcries against it. Even though I do not really believe that there is much daylight between Hamas and Gazan civilians after decades of Hamas indoctrination, I cannot bring myself to say "regardless of civilian losses." That's just me, perhaps.

Re: civilians voted them in. That was back when Hamas was promoting itself as a social welfare organization, before they let their jihadist programme be common knowledge. Right now, the Gazan population hates them but it doesn't mean they want peace with the Jews.

I totally agree with your first sentence.

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I support Israel. End of story. Also, ask Napolean about war...he did quite the damage to Europe.

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Glad to hear you support Israel.

I cannot think of any war in which there was no damage and no what they call, "collateral" damage.

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Sheri, I used to be a library Page, a shelver of books. The 940 aisle ( non fiction, Dewey Decimal system) was what I called the " war aisle." Filled with books on WW1 and WW2, there were searing stories of Europe, both military and civilian. Staggering suffering on all sides, makes you want to give up on humans. The Jewish people have survived so much throughout history, they are truly astonishing. As a woman of God and follower of Christ, I have a deep love for Israel and pray for Her. WEW

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Jun 8Liked by Sheri Oz

" I wonder what all these demonstrators will say when they read what actually happened."

Of course they won't say a word. Those who don't bother to investigate the veracity of these initial, incomplete accounts are not interested the truth. They've got the sound bite or meme that supports the world view they prefer, and damn any "facts" or "evidence" that might not align with their mantras. They will accept any reporting or rumours at face value, so long as it supports their thesis while rejecting anything that challenges their beliefs as biased and false, no matter how credible.

They're basically flat-earthers and no amount of compelling and credible evidence will change their minds.

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Unfortunately, this is true. I am amazed that so-called respectable news outlets are still quoting the false number of 35,000 civilians plus that Israel supposedly killed.

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