Jun 19Liked by Sheri Oz

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This is pretty alarming...............which is exactly what Hezbollah intended.

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you are absolutely right about that.

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Nice post Sheri. Look around the internet and you will soon discover that there is no effective defense against drones. The Iranian attack with 300 drones was just testing our defenses. They had to travel a long way and we had lots of help. Imagine two waves of 30,000 drones each. Then say 10,000 from Lebanon. While under the attack of tens of thousands of conventional missiles. That is the reality we face. This is a result of outsourcing our protection from Iran to fickle western politicians. We should have attacked Iran 20 years ago when they first threatened to erase us. In addition, this talk about pushing Hizballah north of the Litani is a joke. They do not need to be on the border to attack us. We are in an all-out war. We just don't know it yet.

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I know there is so far no effective defence against drones. But I can still hope they figure one out asap, can I not?

I agree we should have attacked Iran 20 years ago and I agree we should have our own munitions manufacturing and not have to rely on "allies" who have their interests at heart more than ours (as is normal).

I also agree we are already at war. Some of us know that. Some are in denial. OOF.

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You and me both can hope.

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