Thank you for your reporting.

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Yes. I appreciate your news, both good and otherwise.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Sheri Oz

Thanks for the news, it's good to know most of the rockets were intercepted. I've shared the post with some groups in the States on mewe.

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Thanks for the in depth reporting you are doing at this most critical time for Israel. Great job, better than the rest of the media.

I do wonder what might have been if Ehud the Olmert had told Secretary Condaleeza Rice to go pound sand when the evil empire sent her over to rescue Hezbollah in 2006 ?

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Thinking and praying for you and everyone, today and every day. 🙏🏻

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Thank you Sheri for treating the Israelis as a superior race and the Palestinians as subhuman animals. After all they are just terrorists that Israel must kill and exterminate. If Israel doesn’t kill all the Palestinians then it can’t fulfill its God given right to create the religiously pute greater Israel. Would be such a shame to let any Palestinians live that would ruin this final project. Don’t let the blood go to waste I always say!

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It is a waste of your time and energy to write your hateful, lie-filled narrative here.

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Really? Where are the lies? Do you think I made any of this up?!? It’s straight from the Zionist Likhud playbook that Bibi and friends worship.

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No point in responding to such a hater who has no interest in anything but Jew-hate. Going, going, gone.

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Thank you Sheri for the thoughtful update. I was watching Tzeva Adom as the alerts came in. You were and continue to be in my prayers. Hugs.

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