best wishes you should stay safe

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Yes, stay safe Sheri. Hope the worst is over for you personally, and for all of Israel 🇮🇱 💙

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I’m so sorry that this war is happening. I hope that this is the last one

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It won’t be. Maybe they won’t push us into the sea. But we aren’t going to push them into the sea, are we?

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someone would say, “it isn’t in alignment with jewish values”. not me, but someone important and trustworthy.

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Who ever used to imagine taking a shower could be such a risk.?!

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Thank you Sheri for sharing your daily life during these times and for writing great articles.

Had a phone call from Haifa on Monday, after the drone attaque at Golani training base. My friend reassuring me that in between alerts, life goes on...

Observing the quantity of red alerts and the sparse information about the quantity of projectiles launched by H&H&Co, then reading your articles and others out there, raises my respect for you and the people in Israël to a superior level.

Am Yisrael Gaï 🇮🇱.

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🙏 for safety continue. PTSD a consideration?

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