deletedJun 6
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I don't know but if there is and if that candidate gets in, that will certainly be good news.

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deletedJun 3
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I ask myself the same thing.

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But are we allowed to show this to our students and if we do, will we be given their diversity, equity, and existence response that resistance employs all means possible to attain justice? It is these oppressed people’s road to removing their shackles. And then, maybe we will get “rewarded” for helping them to achieve “freedom.”

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Honestly, I canned respond to your reply as I do not know what you are referring to. For some reason, when people reply to me, there is no reference to what I was initially responding to.

I do look forward to hearing from you, however.

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I do not know how to find it...

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What do you mean -- show this to our students? You mean, as part of a lesson in history or sociology?

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I teach religious studies.

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I would hope that you could teach this and help your students develop the skill of critical thinking. Would you be allowed to? Hmmm.

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I was sarcastic.

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I thought you might be. But, well, one can hope, no?

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I teach religious studies

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Well, when you have Trudeau in Canada, Biden in the US, and drug dealers running Mexico …

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May 28·edited May 29Liked by Sheri Oz

No future with this people. They come to our countries to live from our taxes and then it’s all their way or the highway. They are taking over everywhere and we’re the ones to blame for allowing this year after year.

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And it’s like that everywhere.

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A Canadian friend told me it is different in the Prairie provinces. Have you see evidence of that?

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That would tend to make sense, as there are more people’s lives in higher population areas to ruin.

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Certainly, alas. The end of Western civilization. And they needed no military invasion nor investing in weapons. Just to abuse our refuge and asylum mechanisms, playing us for the fools we are, and taking advantage of our political differences. The 21st century will definitely be a shaky one.

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As the Chinese curse goes: May you live in interesting times.

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I believe it was Kruschev that said The USSR would take America without firing a shot, that we’d do it to ourselves. The West has screwed itself.

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Sounds about right re Kruschev, I mean. So sad.

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Read your article but only paid subscribers can comment so I'll comment here -- as I remember it, Canada had the motto "unity in diversity" and they were proud of it as another point of distinction from the USA that regarded its society as a "melting pot." I don't think either worked out in the long run, eh?

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May 28Liked by Sheri Oz

With Trudeau shredding any freedom Canadians may have once had … is it any wonder Hamas is emboldened…

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Toronto has become a woke shithole. That’s Turdo’s Canada.

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Which is the bit of it that you take issue with? He’s basically reporting on resistance to an aggressive force that’s currently committing genocide in Gaza. Didn’t mention Jews. Certainly nothing remotely similar to Hitler. More like somebody resisting Hitler.

What is the correct way to resist the type of oppression forced upon the Palestinian people for so many generations?

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He didn't have to use the word, Jews.

So you regard Israel as similar to Hitler, eh? Oppression forced upon the Palestinian people? You know no history.

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Israel is a racist state, currently committing genocide. That’s the similarity with the nazis. It’s a very painful comparison to have to make for obvious reasons, but it’s important to be truthful. Are we not allowed to learn ANYTHING from the holocaust?

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I am so sorry you know nothing about history and even less about the Holocaust. You apparently know nothing about racism and what makes a racist state and nothing about genocide.

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Seriously doubt that guy has anything to do with Hamas.

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You have got to be kidding.

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Seriously doubt he has anything to do with Hamas. Which is the bit of it that you take issue with? He’s basically reporting on resistance to an aggressive force that’s currently committing genocide in Gaza. Didn’t mention Jews. Certainly nothing remotely similar to Hitler. More like somebody resisting Hitler.

What is the correct way to resist the type of oppression forced upon the Palestinian people for so many generations?

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You felt the need to copy-paste your comment here a second time. Hmmm.

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This is the end of the west. And all the progressives who are making money of off this will be the first to die at their hands. This is a religion of war

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It’s not a religious war at all, although many racists in the West want it to be, with their visceral anti-Muslim bigotry.

The war is over land, not religion. Israel wants the Palestinians gone from the land they’re continuing to steal. Hamas are the only group putting up any kind of resistance. They are a product of the environment created by Israel. But if you object so strongly to Hamas, then perhaps you could state what is the correct way for an indigenous population to resist settler-colonialism?

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Jun 2Liked by Sheri Oz


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