This post provides a powerful and important insight into thinking in Gaza. What makes this, and so many other posts in this newsletter, unique is that the author excels at highlighting granular, individual perspectives that provide insight into the broader brush of what Israel is going through. I am certain that to do that many, many hours are spent uncovering these nuggets and then conveying their import to us. Well done!!

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Thank-you, Cliff.

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Jul 5Liked by Sheri Oz

I think these " Gazans who hate Hamas " in fact only hate Hamas for losing. If the October 7th pogrom had succeeded in becoming the planned "Al Aqsa flood" to invade and conquer Israel they would still like Hamas very much.

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I tend to agree with you.

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When has attacking Israel ever turned out well for those dumb enough to do it?

Your being a slow learner isn’t Israel’s fault. It’s their PROBLEM, but not their fault.

The Jews have been scapegoated since they first walked on the planet and they, above anyone else, have a right, duty and obligation to protect their people, land, history, and religion.

Hamas is too big a business to just give it up, so if war is the only way to erase them, war it shall be.

And for you geniuses of the terrorism world, kidnapping Israelis and not hiding your identity (truly dumbshit-level stupidity) is going to prove a bit troublesome for you. Mossad doesn’t forgive. Mossad doesn’t forget. Don’t think that’s an issue? No problem. Just know there is not a rock, corner, hole, ditch, tunnel, crevasse, crack, or mountain that can save you. And if they don’t find you there, they’ll dredge the Mariana Trench for you idiots.

Ok, have a good day.

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I appreciate this very supportive-of-Israel comment. It implies a confidence in Israeli determination to fight to the end that I have never seen before in our previous hostilities against Hamas and that I can only hope our leadership will maintain until we make sure that Hamas does not control Gaza militarily, economically or politically.

When atrocities have been committed against us, such as in Munich, we do seek out the perpetrators for years afterward until they are assassinated — that is what you imply we will do to those who committed the horrible crimes against us on Oct 7th. I hope that is true. None of them should get away with it.

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Yes Sheri,

I hate Hamas, with every fiber of my body, add to that, the Pro Pals or Jew Haters, The Communists professors teaching both Jew Hate and Hate of the west.

The list is endless. And I know that hate is bad, but right now its something that I will live with.

As anyone who has seen any of my responses to Jew Haters, its a follows


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It is perhaps strange that I do not HATE them. Not that hate is bad, I think, but just, for me, it is a waste of energy. I am more focused on us and what we have to do than on them. Hate, I think, puts focus on them, on the evil ones. Interesting how different people have different reactions, opinions, etc. toward the same thing.

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Jul 5Liked by Sheri Oz

Today is not my day for dealing with "drama queens." He knows who started this war, and why people are dying in Gaza, and buildings collapsing around him.

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I never thought of calling him a “drama queen” but I think you are right. It fits.

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One wonders why his family was in proximity to sites targeted by the IDF. One wonders whether his family's destruction is a true fact or a propaganda ploy - one would strangely hope it was the latter.

Moreover, it seems that he hates Hamas because it didn't do its job of destroying Israel. At no point does he say that he understands that the only way to achieve calm in Gaza is to end attacks originating from Gaza. As you pointed out, he seems to think the only cross-border attack that should have provoked any concern among Israelis is October 7 - not any of the missile attacks or cross-border incursions before or since.

The only way forward to achieve peace, it seems, is to make such people in Gaza accept the need to surrender unconditionally. Any hope on their part that Israel can be forced to a stalemate or driven back is only fuel for the continued inferno.

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Sorry Stuart.

Not only Unconditional surrender but loss of territory. Hamas leadership rounded up and put in trial IN ISRAEL for war crimes, Fuck the Hague.

My dream, though I probably wont live to see it, is that The New Israel will stretch all the way to the sea. New Condos and businesses, a continued thriving cultural existance, where people from all over the world can visit and enjoy, what I never have been able to do, possibly my children and grandchildren will one day visit Israel.

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I agree with both of you, Mark L. and Stuart Creque. And because I agree with both of you, I am wary of the fact that Israel has re-entered negotiations with Hamas of a hostage deal.

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Are you sure that this person is not a propagandist or that he is actually a real person? He may very well be, but we’ve seen a lot of gaslighting from Hamas for the benefit of the West. War is hell. Maybe if you don’t start one, there won’t be one.

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I believe he is a real person.

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I’m doubtless a shitty person for asking but do we have any evidence that this person ever actually existed?

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Legitimate question. The Facebook page on which this post was found was apparently set up by a few Gazans. If you read their posts, they seem real-person enough. No proof, though.

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I am one of the last people who will justify even one resident of Gaza. And I will never justify them. I have quite a few reasons for this and behind each of them is my life experience, and not articles, lectures and stories.

But the reality is that in Gaza live people exactly the same as in Israel, Eastern or Western Europe, South or North America, Africa and Asia. They have their own social society, they use the same concepts and with different mentalities they always have one thing in common.

They all want to live happily and prosperously.

What do Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, the Iranian ayatollahs, the authoritarian rulers of other countries do? They bring their people to a state of poverty, discontent, put them on the brink, when all their interests are connected only with the process of survival, and then demonize the rest of the world and manipulate these people, inciting in them hatred towards other social groups, nations, economic formations.

These people in Gaza, who considered themselves liberals, lived relatively well, having arranged their lives, were not interested in the fact that Hamas built tunnels, produced thousands of rockets, installed rocket launchers in neighborhoods, that they trained militants, imported millions of units of small arms (look at the weapons of the Nuhba militants. Not in all countries are elite special forces armed with such powerful weapons). Hamas organized parades and instilled that Israel was their worst enemy and every Jew deserved to die. And they knew that this was not so. They knew that the day would come when Hamas would bring war to their homes. And many of them did the right thing - they left Gaza. Because they had no prospects for a better life in Gaza. And Hamas was not the only one to blame for this. They could have fought Hamas. But the UN was on Hamas' side, legitimizing Hamas and actually creating economic freedom for the development of this cancerous tumor, not allowing others to fight it. On the side of Hamas were international organizations that repeated Hamas's lies, invested in Hamas's propaganda. And on the side of Hamas were countries that forced Israel not to fight Hamas, to ignore the threats.

Yes, they had no choice, they could not fight Hamas, or maybe they did not want to. Or maybe they were for Hamas. Now it does not matter. Israel has no choice either. It is defending itself and protecting its people. If Israel does not do what it does, it will cease to exist.

Most Israelis do not hate the people of Gaza, they are simply defending their country. The country they created and besides which they have no other.

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You are right. UNWRA helped Hamas and there are lots of others who helped Hamas.

And yes, what is important now is what Israel does to protect herself and her citizens.

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False conclusions based on the principle: "The poor and unfortunate are right" and "Israel is to blame for their troubles" strengthened Hamas, which was one of the main oppressors. Hamas was given money, unlimited aid, all the necessary goods, including military ones. Talk about a "blockade in Gaza" is pure propaganda. There is no product that could not be imported into Gaza (except for ready-made weapons), and most of the goods were imported through the Israeli checkpoint.

Over the decades, the population of Gaza understood the futility of the fight against Hamas and those who did not want to join Hamas left Gaza, those who could not, ignored or sided with Hamas. The world itself pushed the population of Gaza to radicalization. The world forbade Israel to fight terrorism.

Hamas would never have become either an idea or a government without international assistance and the assistance of human rights organizations.

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Well then he’ll be a happy camper when the Israelis liberate him by killing the Hamas animals totally

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perhaps. But he won't like Israel any more for that.

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Israel does not need the love of the people of Gaza. It is enough for Israel that the people of Gaza love themselves, build their lives, live well, and do not try to kill Jews simply because they hate them.

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Jul 7Liked by Sheri Oz

This is an ancient town called khyber where majority people were Jews .

The Islamist did genocide of Jews there and destroyed the town .

This evidence and town exists in Saudi Arabia.

When Muslims chant khyber , khyber , this what they refer to 🤬🤬

But how many wokes, liberadu, leftists know this or will justify it !!

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Did I miss something ?🤔🤔

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why do you ask?

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In case I missed something 🤔

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LOL. No. Don't think so.

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And this is why I do not care about Gazans, I never really did. It isn't always nice to acknowledge my gut but I do.

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He said it right at the beginning, carpet bomb. But I know that’s not in alignment with Jewish values.

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yes. we just don't do that.

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What about making terrorism a capital crime? I know Israel hung eichmann. If terrorist were executed there wouldn’t be any problem with hostages. No one to trade

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At the same time, it would mean they would take no hostages, perhaps. Just murder all they come in contact with. IDK.

In any case, there are some in Israel talking about passing a law like that. Don't know how much chance it has.

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What we see as humane treatment and decency Hamas sees as weak. They don’t respect Jews. They don’t respect themselves But they understand fear.

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I agree. But we don't need capital punishment to be seen as strong, especially when they do not seem to fear death --- in fact they cherish death as shaheed.

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What we see as humane treatment and decency Hamas sees as weak. They don’t respect Jews. They don’t respect themselves But they understand fear.

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What about making terrorism a capital crime? I know Israel hung eichmann. If terrorist were executed there wouldn’t be any problem with hostages. No one to trade

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Thank you for sharing this. Such horror with no clear solution.

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If they really preferred to develop a successful state rather than trying to eliminate ours, there could be a clear solution.

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Poor Ismael- his thinking is so uncritical, so primitive. So self pitying, so devoid of any comprehension of facts or logic, of what the rest of the world has been doing (living their lives and building a future for their children) while 5 generations of “Palestinians” stewed in delusional hatred. And self pity. A window onto why Palestinians must never, ever have a state.

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I don't know if "deserving" a state even comes into it. If that were the case, I could name a few others states that wallow in some state of primitiveness.

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